A banner illustrated by Julienne Kaleta. At center over a sunset and flower background are the words "Solidarity Means Access." At left are three people, of various races, genders, and abilities, all wearing masks and looking toward a flock of birds flying in V formation at right. The person in front outstretches their arms in an imitation of the birds flying.
Artwork by Julienne Kaleta

We want a movement where no one is pushed out by ableist structures.

We look forward to a world that's built by such a movement.

What does it mean for us to be truly "in solidarity" with each other? We believe it looks like interdependence, collective care, leadership by those impacted by harms, and ultimately, access for all.

That's what we mean when we say Solidarity Means Access.

This season we are raising $20K to support our Undoing Internalized Ableism Cohorts. These Cohorts create a community of around thirty disabled movement workers across distance. Collectively, over multiple weeks, each Cohort does the deep healing work of addressing internalized ableism.

Most importantly, this work is done in alignment with the disability justice principles of interdependence and collective access - each Cohort works collectively to meet their needs. In solidarity with each other, the Cohort members find access.

It takes $20K to run one Undoing Internalized Ableism Cohort. This is because we are committed to communication access, radical hospitality, supporting facilitators, and making our Cohort financially accessible to everyone who is accepted. Donations allow us to pay a fair wage to our facilitators, tech support leads, interpreters, captioners, and other support staff. They also allow us to create full and partial scholarships for participants.

When you resource this work financially, you act in solidarity with disabled movement workers by helping all participants, facilitators, and support staff access a movement space that is designed with access as a politic and practice - that is designed not to push anyone out due to ableist structures. Solidarity means access.

Check out artwork and reflections from our Undoing Internalized Ableism Cohort below!

  • "I didn't expect to have as much fun as I did. We learned a lot but we also shared a lot of laughs and good energy. The experience was enriching and equally rooted in agency, interdependence and liberation. Every session was awesome!! I absolutely loved connecting with so many disabled/chronically ill folks in the movement."
    - Akinfe Fatou (Spring 2023 Participant and Fall 2023 Facilitator)
  • "i didn't expect how powerful it would feel to be in a small cohort of rad disabled organizers (and with so many BIPOC!) even just over a few weeks. i was also really impressed with the thoughtful and thorough intention behind the workbook, building in space for the accountability groups, the facilitation modeling DJ so well, and all the content that was shared."
    - Heena S., Project LETS (Spring 2023 Participant)
  • I would say that this cohort allowed me to think complexly about disability and community and how we can be politically active while not burning out. I would say it helped me identify ways my internalized ableism shows up and also how I'm not alone."
    - CG Matovina (Spring 2023 Participant)
  • "I feel like I got what I expected, honestly. Which was to gain a deeper understanding of ableism and that was enlightening. I think the last class was so powerful and I learned that I can be really vulnerable and survive. It's okay to let people see me. there was so much love in the room and I am thankful to be a part of this."
    - Brittanie Hernandez-Wilson (Spring 2023 Participant and Fall 2023 Facilitator)

  • Here is some of the he(art)work done by the Cohort:
  • Artwork: Finding space for my heart in disability justice by Anonymous Participant
  • Poetry: Untitled Poem by Alexa Williams
  • Artwork: Untitled Piece by Mahkyra Gaines
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