
Flying Kites: Letter Writing for Political Prisoners

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Flying Kites: Letter Writing for Political Prisoners

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This event has occurred.

Flying Kites is an introductory workshop to the legacy of Black August and a space for Black people who are interested in learning about political prisoners. We will write letters to current political prisoners and explore ways to support the ongoing movement to free them all. 

*Note: This space is for Black folks only.

[Image description: Top left the logo for PeoplesHub. A faint image of a handwritten letter fills a black background. A graphic of four gray flying kites in the right half. Title in white says “Flying Kites: Letter Writing for Political Prisoners.” Below text says “This is a Black autonomous space.” Date and time information says “August 28, 3pm PT/6pm ET.” Text below says “With: Ace Lorde and Nia Hampton.” Registration link is visible: “”. Text at bottom says “Interpreters and captioners available by request.“] (edited)
Dates and Times

August 28, 2023

4:00 - 6:00pm PT

5:00 - 7:00pm CT

6:00 - 8:00pm ET

Program Full-Description

Black August was started by Black prisoners in honor of the revolutionary spirits of George Jackson and Jonathan Jackson. Flying Kites will carry on the Black August tradition of political education and provide information about how people can support current campaigns for political prisoners and the prison movement overall. 

Political Prisoners face brutal repression from the state for their resistance to oppression. The state attempts to isolate them from their communities and discourage other oppressed peoples from engaging in political activity to liberate themselves. Letter writing aka “flying kites” is a way to express support and gratitude to political prisoners for their sacrifices and their contributions to our struggles for liberation. 

Flying Kites will serve as an introduction to Black August and political prisoners. Participants will be encouraged to continue learning about political prisoners and to take action in support of the prison movement beyond this event. Please bring a stamp, pen, paper, and envelope.

Program People
delicate and naturalistic gray scale drawing of a hummingbird hovering upright.
Program Schedule
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Free, or pay what you can. All donations help support our trainers and further our mission.