
The Power of Online Spaces in the Current Movement Moment

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The Power of Online Spaces in the Current Movement Moment

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This event has occurred.

A hands-on training of fundamental design and facilitation skills using principles of popular education - so you can lead online community meetings that deepen connections and move your work forward.

We recommend you also check out "Still Zoomin' in the Current Movement Moment" on October 30: a hands-on Zoom tech and online accessibility training for community organizers. Click Here for more info on Still Zoomin'.

Dark blue starry background featuring the title: “The Power of Online Spaces”. Below it are date and time information: “Oct 23, 3-5pm PT / 4-6pm / MT 5-7pm CT / 6-8pm ET. Below that is text" Interpreters & captioners available by request”. The bottom has registration link “"
Dates and Times

Wednesday, October 23

  • 3-5pm PT 
  • 4-6pm MT
  • 5-7pm CT
  • 6-8pm ET

Program Full-Description

In the current movement moment, we often need to call our people together to do rapid response, group study, strategy, and mobilization. We know that online meetings are a fast and accessible way to gather, but they don’t need to be chaotic or boring snoozefests. When people show up, be prepared to offer them a space that will build on the momentum that’s already there! This training will help you learn how to design for impactful, generative and energizing online meetings. 

 PeoplesHub trainers will share our methodology, which draws on years of learning and experimentation with building accessible, popular education spaces online.  We’ll dispel common myths about what is and isn’t possible online through interactive practice. 

This training is ideal for:

  • Anyone who is adjusting to working and gathering online and finding they desire to strengthen the depth of their connections.  
  • Anyone new to online work who feels overwhelmed by the barriers or uncertain of what’s possible.
  • Those who are already working online and want to bring the participatory/popular education element to help them move past webinar-type or less participatory spaces
  • Community organizers who want to hold meetings online to be more inclusive to those observing COVID-19 precautions, folks without transportation, caregivers,  etc.

Training Outcomes:

Participants will leave with

  • Tools for making your own online meetings and gatherings more impactful, accessible, generative, and energizing.
  • A greater understanding of the possibilities and opportunities of online spaces.
  • Practices for grounding our work in restoration and resiliency, and how to bring these practices online.

What do you do to prepare?


  • AI captioning will be provided.
  • Access requests, including interpretation and captioners, can be made during registration or by emailing Dustin Gibson at  Requests for interpreters and captioners that are made less than 48 hours before the event typically are more difficult to meet. We will try and notify you if we cannot secure requested access.

Issues with Registration?

If you have questions about this offering or technical needs registering for this event, please contact registration support.

We recommend you also sign-up for Still Zoomin' on October 30:

Still Zoomin' in the Current Movement Moment is a hands-on Zoom tech and online accessibility training for community organizers. This workshop prepares folks to provide tech support to your facilitators and your audiences on Zoom. Click Here for more info and to Register.

Program People
delicate and naturalistic gray scale drawing of a hummingbird hovering upright.
Program Schedule
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Choose what to pay, starting at $40. The true cost of this workshop is $100/person.

At PeoplesHub we are committed to communication access, radical hospitality, supporting facilitators, and making our offerings financially accessible.

This sliding scale allows us to continue offering programs like this one and pay trainers, interpreters, captioners, and other support staff a fair wage for their time and expertise. Like you, those who support our trainings work hard for change in their communities and have often developed the knowledge, skill and gifts that they are offering through many unpaid hours — let’s support them to be sustainable in their work and craft!