
Cities of Dignity Series

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Cities of Dignity Series

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This event has occurred.

“What does it mean for you to share knowledge? Land? Food? Care? Production tools?” Organizers in Jackson (Mississippi), Detroit (Michigan), and Birmingham (Alabama) answer these critical questions in the book chapter “From Self Determination to Community Determination: Black-lead Commons in the United States” by Elandria Williams and Mabrouka M’Barek.

Join us to discuss how we can recover and build the Black Commons to provide ways for community determination. We will hear from guests including Dr. Jessica Gordon-Nembhard.

All are welcome, and you do not need to have attended Part 1 to attend Part 2!

The logo for PeoplesHub at top left. A yellow/orange background featuring images of cities in disarray and people protesting. The title says “Cities of Dignity, From Self-Determination to Community Determination: Reclaiming the Black Commons.” Date/time info below says “Part 1: Aug 1 & 8, Part 2: Aug 15, 1pm PT / 4pm ET.” Text to right says “Dr. Jessica Gordon-Nembhard, Joe Tolbert Jr.” with photos of the trainers below. Text below says “Interpreters & captioners available by request.” Registration link is visible: “"
Dates and Times

Coming Up:

Part 2, Circle: From Self-determination to Community Determination: Recovering the Black-led Commons

August 15: 4:00-6:00pm ET

Note: All are welcome, and you do not need to have attended Part 1 to attend Part 2!

Program Full-Description

Cities, as we know them, came into being so that the ruling class could build wealth and industry off the exploitation of workers. As cities have grown, we have seen developers driven to maximize their profits, and as a result, rent and housing prices are soaring to record highs while working class wages stay the same. Privatization and profit are dictating the politics, economy, and culture of cities. How can we organize to create systems that will allow everyone in our communities, not just the ruling class to thrive? 


Part 2: From Self-determination to Community Determination: Recovering the Black-led Commons

August 15: 4-6pm ET

Join us for a discussion with Dr Jessica Gordon-Nembhard, Ajowa Ifateyo, and Ronald Davis (bios below) on how we can reclaim the commons to bring equity to everyone in cities, and to shift power to the hands of the community. Dr Gordon-Nembhard, author of the book Collective Courage, will speak about the history of the Black Commons and the need to recover that history to reclaim a right to the city. 


Part 1: From Self-determination to Community Determination: Black-led Commons in the U.S.

August 1: Reading & Discussion session 1, 4-5:30pm ET

August 8: Reading & Discussion session 2, 4-5:00pm ET

We will read through and discuss Chapter 5 of ​​Cities of Dignity | Beyond Development together and how we can apply them to strategies. This publication originated from the Global Working Group Beyond Development, a group that seeks to analyze and critique the global political economy and its social, political and environmental impact. Chapter 5 recounts the history and current organizing of Black led commons in the U.S., in which organizers answer “What does it mean for you to share knowledge? Land? Food? Care? Production tools?” We will analyze these efforts considering debates surrounding land, commons, race, patriarchy, capitalism, state violence and relations with nature. We will also reflect on the principal hurdles facing the commons movement in the U.S. today.

Please note that no recordings of this event will be shared out with the public.

Program People
delicate and naturalistic gray scale drawing of a hummingbird hovering upright.
Program Schedule
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Choose what you pay, starting at $0. The true cost of this circle is $50/person.‍ At PeoplesHub we are committed to communication access, radical hospitality, supporting facilitators, and making our offerings financially accessible. Contributions allow us to continue offering programs like this one and pay facilitators, tech support leads, interpreters, captioners, and other support staff a fair wage for their time and expertise. Like you, those who support our trainings work hard for change in their communities and have often developed the knowledge, skill and gifts that they are offering through many unpaid hours — let’s support them to be sustainable in their work and craft!