
Fighting Fascism within Feminism: Trans-Feminist Activism

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Fighting Fascism within Feminism: Trans-Feminist Activism

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This event has occurred.

Hate and exclusion of sex workers and trans people is not a feminist position; it's a threat to democracy and justice for everyone. Join sex worker and trans activists thinkers in conversation on how leftist feminists are fighting the sneaky forms of fascism that today pose as “feminism”.

Due to increased security measures, we will be using a webinar mode for this event. Attendees will still be able to ask questions.

Top left the logo for PeoplesHub. An orange/red gradient background featuring white text title "Fighting Fascism Within Feminism." A yellow starburst shape to the right containing the text "Part 1: Trans-Feminist Activism. Hate and exclusion of trans people is not a feminist position; it's a threat to democracy and justice for everyone. Join trans activists in conversation on anti-trans rhetoric in feminist circles and how to organize against far right agendas." Date and time information says "Wednesday January 18, 10am-12pm PT / 1-3pm ET. Interpreters & Captioners Available by Request." Text to right says “With Chanelle Gallant, Kai Cheng Thom, Nim Ralph, Eli Erlick, Cecilia Gentili.” Registration link visible at the bottom "".
Dates and Times

Part 1: Trans Feminist Activism

January 18th, 2023

10:00am-12:00pm PT

12:00pm-2:00pm CT

1:00pm-3:00pm ET

Part 2: Sex Worker Feminist Activism

January 25th, 2023

10:00am-12:00pm PT

12:00pm-2:00pm CT

1:00pm-3:00pm ET

Program Full-Description

Anti-sex work and anti-trans “feminists” are well-organized, funded and legitimized right-wing forces. They oppose the political enfranchisement of trans people and sex workers and are influential forces behind the expansion of policing, militarized border enforcement and the prison system. 

What if more feminists and leftists actually took seriously that TERFs and SWERFs* are a threat to democracy, justice, and to left movements– and were prepared to fight back? 

In this two-part series, brilliant sex worker and trans feminists will share how they analyze and resist fascism posing as mainstream feminism. 

In Part 1, we’ll talk to trans organizers and cultural workers from the U.S., Canada and the U.K. to learn about the far right influence as a threat to movements for trans justice. Where are these battles being fought and what does resistance look like? How can organizers working for gender, economic and racial justice contribute to a feminism that is trans inclusive?

You can register for this circle as an individual offering but we strongly encourage you to register for Part 2: Sex Worker Feminist Activism, where we’ll hear more from sex workers on these same themes.

*TERFs and SWERFs are acronyms for Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminists and Sex Worker-Exclusionary Radical Feminists. These  terms that have historically been used to refer to people who support the goals of radical feminism but don’t extend their support to trans people or sex workers, believing that they contribute to the oppression of women.

This program is ideal for...

  • People engaged in or interested in any form of movement-building, organizing or cultural work on issues related to women’s rights, gender justice, reproductive freedom and/or trans justice.
  • Anyone seeking to understand current movements to decriminalize sex work and other sex worker-led movements.
  • Anyone seeking to understand the impacts of anti-trans agendas globally and what strategies are being used to counter them.
  • People currently involved in sex worker and trans rights movements interested in building international solidarity on these issues.

Participants will leave with….

  • A sharper understanding of how anti-trans and anti-sex worker agendas are a threat to democracy and a force behind other right-wing movements.
  • An analysis of how SWERFs and TERFs are being organized and funded in the U.S. and abroad.
  • New strategies and ideas for how to uproot fascist influences within feminist circles and other leftist movements.
  • Recommendations from trans and sex worker organizers on how to support and act in solidarity with these communities.

Issues with Registration?

If you have questions about this offering or technical needs registering for this event, please contact registration support.

Program People
delicate and naturalistic gray scale drawing of a hummingbird hovering upright.
Program Schedule
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Free! Though we appreciate donations from those who can afford to do so.

At PeoplesHub, we are committed to communication access, radical hospitality, supporting facilitators, and making our offerings financially accessible. Donations allow us to continue offering programs like this one and pay speakers, tech support leads, interpreters, captioners, and other support staff a fair wage for their time and expertise.Like you, those who support our trainings work hard for change in their communities and have often developed the knowledge, skill and gifts that they are offering through many unpaid hours — let’s support them to be sustainable in their work and craft!