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Orange brick background with an illustration of green ivy and butterflies at right. At left over the bricks, purple text says "Liberation Through Connection: Building Power Across Solidarity Economy and Disability Justice."

Our resistance is in our interdependence. Our liberation is in our collective reimagination.

Capitalist systems keep our people and movements disconnected - because when we are disconnected, we are easier to extract from. Since PeoplesHub began, its role in building power has been to create and facilitate connection among movement workers.

This summer, we begin to focus more deeply on our solidarity economy and disability justice work. We are facilitating connections among the ideas and people of these movements - because we believe that their visions of liberation are intertwined. After all, a true solidarity economy looks like...


collective care

leadership by those impacted by harms

...and access for all

...all of which are, by no accident, fundamental principles of disability justice.

That's why we're inviting the PeoplesHub community to join our new Co-Directors, Hafidha Acuay and Dustin Gibson, on July 27th at 3pm ET / 12pm PT. Framing the discussion will be special guest Mariame Kaba - organizer, educator, librarian, and prison industrial complex (PIC) abolitionist who is active in movements for racial, gender, and transformative justice.

We’re holding this space to share our vision for the next phase of PeoplesHub’s work in the disability justice and solidarity economy movements. And we want to learn from you, the people of PeoplesHub, how we can keep supporting your work in these areas.

Bring something with you - a drawing, poem, photo, GIF, meme, video, song, or anything else - that symbolizes what's important to you in disability justice and solidarity economy work. We’ll have a special activity at this edition of Gathering at the Hub!